Masthead Graphic

Historical weather data from Belfast International Airport

The table below shows the weather reports for the last 24 hours taken from the METAR weather bulletins issued by Belfast International Airport. Readings should be at 30 min intervals however they are not always available

Date Time Pressure mb Temp. Wind Kts Wind Dir. Gusts Kts Conditions
09/02/2025 15:20:00 1035 7 12 70 overcast
09/02/2025 14:50:00 1035 7 10 80 overcast
09/02/2025 14:20:00 1035 7 10 90 mostly cloudy
09/02/2025 13:50:00 1035 6 8 80 overcast
09/02/2025 13:20:00 1035 6 9 60 overcast
09/02/2025 12:50:00 1035 6 9 60 overcast
09/02/2025 12:20:00 1035 6 9 60 overcast
09/02/2025 11:50:00 1035 6 10 70 overcast
09/02/2025 11:20:00 1035 6 10 50 overcast
09/02/2025 10:50:00 1035 5 9 50 overcast
09/02/2025 10:20:00 1035 5 10 50 overcast
09/02/2025 09:50:00 1034 4 9 60 overcast
09/02/2025 09:20:00 1034 4 8 40 overcast
09/02/2025 08:50:00 1034 4 7 40 overcast
09/02/2025 08:20:00 1033 4 7 30 mostly cloudy
09/02/2025 07:50:00 1033 3 8 30 scattered clouds
09/02/2025 07:20:00 1032 4 8 50 overcast
09/02/2025 06:50:00 1032 4 8 70 overcast
09/02/2025 06:20:00 1031 4 7 60 overcast
09/02/2025 05:50:00 1031 3 5 60 overcast
09/02/2025 05:20:00 1031 3 6 60 overcast
09/02/2025 04:50:00 1031 2 1 Variable overcast
09/02/2025 04:20:00 1030 1 3 60 mostly cloudy
09/02/2025 03:50:00 1030 1 2 Variable mostly cloudy
09/02/2025 03:20:00 1030 2 2 Variable overcast
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