My Home Port: Carrickfergus Marina
5 Gold Anchor and European Blue Flag Status
- 3 Quayside,
- Carrickfergus
- County Antrim
- BT38 8BE
- Tel: +44 28 9336 6666
- Fax: +44 28 9335 0505
LAT: 54° 42' .63N
LONG: 5° 48' .70W
Must See:
Carrickfergus Castle
Carrickfergus is situated on the North Shore of Belfast Lough.
On the right had side of the picture is the harbour complete with 12th Century Norman Castle which has a long and distinguished history. On the left is the marina basin 250 metres west of the harbour.
Opened in 1985 it provides good shelter with its stone breakwaters. The staff are extremely helpful and the facility block provides toilets, showers and laundry facilities
Carrick Marine Projects are on hand to help with any repairs that you may have to make and they also operate the boat hoist which is situated in the harbour as is the fuel berth. Rory, Wendy or Norman can usually be found around the boatyard or in their office near the fuel birth in the Harbour.
The marina and harbour are the centrepiece of the rapidly expanding waterfront area. Restaurants, bars, a multi screen cinema and co-op superstore are all with in very easy walking distance as is Carrickfergus Sailing Club where visitors will be made welcome.
The Marina can accommodate 280 boats in pontoon berths and the basin is dredged to give depths of up to 2.3 metres (7'6") at L.W.S. The entrance to the Marina is situated at the eastern end of the basin and is open to the South West. The ends of the two breakwaters are marked with red and green beacons showing Qk. FI.R 3m and G 8m 3M. Red not showing from 245° to 305°.
The entrance approach light is located approximately 30m to port of the red navigation beacon on the west breakwater. The light is PAL 100 Navigation Sector Light with a total beam width of 24° sectored as follows: 9.5° Red; 5° white; 9.5° Green; The light defines the centre approach line to the entrance. Before entering the marina you should contact the office on VHF channels 37; 80; M2; or by land line on 028 9336 6666 for berth allocation.
The information provided in relation to depths at Carrickfergus Marina and Harbour are guidelines only. As the facilities are situated on the Carrickfergus Sandbank, depths can reduce as a result of siltation.
If you come and visit, why not let us know what you thought.