J/24 Class
I have been a mamber of the j24 class for 7 years now and find it to be superb racing at the very highest of levels. In a standard year we usually have 6 events around Ireland, from Carrick & Portrush to Cork, Galway, Lough Ree, Dublin, Carlingford, LEYC and at our very own LNSC (Lough Neagh Sailing Club).

Over the past few years our ranks have grown to 65 boats, making it a very large keelboat class with over 350 members!
Ireland has hosted the European championships on a number of occasions and speaking for personal experience it's an event not to be missed (just don't ask how we did!) Courses are windward / leeward and we try to cram in up to 9 races over a 2 day weekend.
J24's are accessable to everybody with the older Westerley boats costing £2500 upwards, to the new Italian boats at £20k and it is not unusual to see Westerley's in the top 5!
The Irish are well represented on the world stage, with 5 boats competing in the worlds last year with members on the winning boat and on others in the top 5, we are also represented on the world council by Robin Eagleson (father) who is now an Exceutive Member of the world's largest keelboat class and in fact this year the World Council meeting is to be held at LEYC.
Anybody who wants to know more about the class should go to http://www.j24ireland.co.uk and rest assured you will all be given a warm welcome.
Peter Eagleson LNSC
For more pictures of J/24's in action, visit the Gallery or you can of course start a discussion in the Forum